An Al Ain Municipality official guides barbers on new techniques and methods of cleaning their instruments. Image Credit: Supplied

Al Ain: Barbers in the Oasis city have been advised to take effective measures to keep their instruments clean, as dirty instruments can pose a serious threat to patrons' health.

To provide education on recommended safety practices, experts from the Public Health Department of Al Ain Municipality recently trained more than 200 barbers and beauty salon workers on how to sterilise instruments and maintain hygiene.

Unsterilised tools are a source of infectious diseases at both male and female salons, said experts, giving detailed information on the types of diseases and their prevention.

Al Ain Municipality has been actively monitoring all hairdressing shops and beauty salons since June last year when a campaign was launched to force gents' hairdressing salons and barbershops to follow the recommended safety standards.

It also trained a team of 95 inspectors to monitor the establishments and ensure hygiene and instrument sterilisation.

Recently, the health department instructed all barbers to wear facemasks.

Experts said that hygiene is a serious matter, and strict action should be taken against the barbers who do not use the recommended sterilisation agents, solutions or equipment to remove germs and viruses from their instruments after each use.

According to Dr Riaz Mihas, tiny organisms can be easily transmitted by contaminated instruments.