A new training programme has been launched for mediation and amicable settlement of civil and commercial disputes. Image Credit: Supplied

Dubai: The Government of Dubai Legal Affairs Department, in collaboration with the ADR Centre, an internationally accredited centre for qualifying mediators, has launched a training programme in Arabic and English for the mediation of civil and commercial disputes.

The training was attended by 41 participants from government entities and legal consultancy firms, in addition to 20 lawyers from the department.

The programme, the first internationally accredited training of its kind to be provided in Arabic, will run for 40 training hours till November 4. It will qualify participants in acquiring fundamental skills in alternative civil and commercial dispute resolution and mastering the techniques of professional mediators in line with best international standards and practices. Participants who complete the training are certified as internationally accredited mediators from the International Mediation Institute.

Dr. Lowai Mohamed Belhoul, Director General of the Government of Dubai, Legal Affairs Department, said the programme “reflects the department’s keenness to strengthen partnership ties with the relevant entities to develop legal skills and expertise in the emirate of Dubai, especially in the area of mediation as a means of settling disputes” as it is “part of the department’s functions to amicably settle disputes filed by or against the government or government entities”, with a view to “reaching amicable agreement and avoid resorting to court” whenever possible.

Leonardo D’Urso, CEO and one of the founders of the ADR Centre, expressed his delight in collaborating with the Legal Affairs Department to offer 25 years of experience in settling commercial and civil disputes through mediation and to continue efforts to promote the use of mediation in Dubai.

Constantin-Adi Gavrila, Senior Trainer and International Mediator, noted that the programme gives new mediators international dual accreditation in mediation, equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills and helping them build the reputation needed to encourage the use of mediation on a larger scale, within and outside of Dubai.