Dubai: A jobless man admitted in court on Tuesday that he was drugged when he had beat his neighbour to death after fighting over a woman.

Prosecutors accused the 31-year-old Emirati suspect, S.E., of beating his compatriot M.S. and causing his death without intending to do so.

The assailant was under the influence of a mind-affecting substance when the incident occurred on July 16, according to records.

“Yes sir, I did. I am guilty,” S.E. said when he appeared before the Dubai Court of First Instance.

According to the accusation sheet, chief prosecutor Mohammad Hussain Al Hammadi charged S.E. with punching M.S. with his arms, kicking him with his knees and biting his nose.

Dubai Police’s forensic examiner said the victim had succumbed to severe bleeding and a concussion in his head.

Life sentence sought

The prosecutor, who attended Tuesday’s hearing, asked presiding judge Mohammad Jamal to award the defendant the toughest punishment [a life sentence]. Prosecutors requested the court to also consider how the suspect had willingly consumed drugs.

During Tuesday’s hearing, the victim’s brother stood up in court and shouted: “I am M.S.’ brother and we only want the Sharia to be enforced.”

“Please go back to your seat. You do not have the legal power to represent the deceased as long as there is a claimant in civil right,” judge Jamal said.

The advocate representing the victim’s parents, Yousuf Al Hammadi, asked the court to adjourn the hearing until he lodged a civil lawsuit against the defendant.

An Emirati second lieutenant testified that he had spotted a blood-soaked undergarment, blood stains and water bottles on the ground when he examined the crime scene.

“When I asked the victim’s brother about what happened, he claimed that S.E. had assaulted M.S. A police team headed towards the suspect’s house nearby. We asked his brother, who was standing outside the house, to call S.E. out.

Account of the crime

“The defendant handed the police the victim’s mobile phone and wallet as soon as he walked out. The defendant claimed during questioning that he was walking with his monkey to his house when the victim stopped and asked to speak to him about his [M.S.] girlfriend. M.S. supposedly wanted to ask S.E. to leave his girlfriend alone.

“Then, the two agreed to indulge in a man-to-man fight. S.E. alleged that when he turned his back to rope his monkey, M.S. stabbed him with a razor in his back. S.E. alleged that when he turned his back to face M.S., the latter threw sand in his face and stuffed his fingers in his eyes.

“Then he punched and kicked M.S. and made him eat sand. The victim started breathing heavily and asked S.E. to get him water. S.E. claimed that M.S.’ situation worsened after he gave him water.

“Then he took his monkey and went home. S.E. said he asked his brother to inform M.S.’ brothers that he had beat him,” the second lieutenant said.

The victim’s brothers confirmed the incident.

A judgment is expected on November 27.