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Dubai: New guidelines have been announced for schools and other educational institutions in the UAE, allowing the resumption of school activities and trips.

The announcement was made by the UAE’s Ministry of Education (MOE) and the National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority (NCEMA) on April 21.

Here is a breakdown of the updated national protocol for educational facilities for the academic year 2021 – 2022:

Vaccination and Regular Check-Ups

• School visitors must comply with Green Pass requirements.
• Students who are 16 years of age and older, teachers, and school staff must take the PCR test in according to Green Pass requirements.
• Students under 16 years of age must take the PCR test every month.

University Accommodation

• Vaccinated and non-vaccinated students must conduct a monthly PCR test (or in compliance with the Green Pass system) to enter university accommodation.

Gradual Closure of Educational Institutions

• Cancellation of the gradual closure of educational facilities in the event of infection and compliance with the directives issued by committees and emergency and local crisis teams in each emirate.
• Closure of the school if the infection rate exceeds 15 per cent of the total attendance, with the closure period being three days.

Patients and Close Contact

• Removal of quarantine requirements for close contacts and following the instructions issued by the health authorities in each emirate. To know more about the close contact protocols that you need to follow, read our guide here.
• Distance learning is an available option for those infected or with respiratory diseases.

School trips

School trips are allowed for both vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals provided that they wear face masks and present their Green Pass.

School activities and events

• All school activities and events are allowed provided that face masks are worn in indoor spaces.
• Parents are allowed to attend school events for students provided that they adhere to preventative measures.

MOE stressed on the need for attendees to present the Green Pass and commit to wearing face masks indoors.