TAB STARS sagittarius


You wouldn’t think that, when it comes to those matters that are most important or your passions, you’d have a problem putting these first. But, as you’ll discover, something or somebody will often distract you, get in the way or even trigger confusion or feelings of guilt. While this won’t be easy to deal with, the insights you gain regarding what you really care about and your true passions will more than justify the time, discussion and reflection required to reach a lasting conclusion.

Aries March 20 – April 19

Every Aries has moments when life’s too predictable and you need a challenge. It’s like that now. Think carefully about what you decide to do or take on, especially because what currently seems easy could become more complicated by the day. Or, alternatively, you could focus on what actually needs to be done.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

Good fortune comes in many forms, especially during periods of rapid change, such as this is. Still, you can’t always discern what’s worthwhile from those ideas that are intriguing but are going nowhere. And you won’t be able to until you try them out. Time and experience are your greatest teachers.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

As an air sign, you’re often able to glide above the emotions triggered by the Full Moon. However, the current one is actually in Gemini, which suggests it’s vital you pay attention to those ups and downs. What’s more, if you delve into those feelings, you could learn a lot from them.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

Only days ago you were firm, if not insistent, that certain changes in elements of your work or lifestyle simply weren’t going to happen. Now, however, both your mood and your ideas about the future are shifting by the day, and far more dramatically than you’d conceived possible. This isn’t just timely, it’s fabulous.

Leo July 22 – August 22

With the ideas planet Mercury retrograde, and triggering the usual confusion, setbacks are inevitable. Annoying as these may be, they’re also forcing you to review certain arrangements you’d assumed will continue as they have. However, recent changes are forcing you and, as it happens, everybody else to rethink these, and right away.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Between the Sun moving into a new sign and Friday’s powerful Full Moon, both circumstances and the mood of others are unlikely to be stable. In fact, ups and downs aren’t just likely, they’re to be expected. Knowing that, ensure what you organise is flexible enough to ride out any such dramas.

Libra September 23 – October 22

As a Libra, one of your greatest gifts is your capacity to confront and deal with even the most difficult of individuals without them realising what’s going on. However, in several situations you’re currently facing you must be forthright, if not actually blunt. While it won’t be easy, you can do it.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

The current Full Moon both heightened already tense issues and accents the wise use of your resources. Consequently, you’ve lots to think about, and not just the obvious, money. Of just as much, if not more, importance will be weighing up what, and who, you invest your time, ideas and even heart in.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Things are moving swiftly, as are your views about certain matters. To the extent that, only days ago, you’d have stood your ground against those who you felt were in the wrong. While that might be the case, you’re beginning to think your efforts would be better focused elsewhere. And you’re right.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

It’s not that you don’t appreciate others’ advice. It’s just that, long ago, you realised not everybody has the same standards you do, which means their idea of what’s amazing is way below yours. Still, you’re in a time of expansion and discovery, which means those suggestions are worth checking out.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

Mostly, you’re happy to let go of longstanding but no longer rewarding pursuits, goals and even relationships. Yet now you’re being cornered into relinquishing certain activities or alliances that, while increasingly burdensome, have been part of your life for ages. While admittedly, this is wise it won’t be easy.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

For ages you’ve been tiptoeing around issues you’ve known upset others, so much they refuse even to acknowledge them. Now, however, events are forcing this out in the open, and at just the right time. Take advantage of this opportunity to talk things over. Be frank but, also, speak from the heart.