shopping till dropping today
Illustrative purposes Image Credit: Gulf News

What you need to know:

  • Are you addicted to shopping?
  • Does shopping give you a sense of power?

Having a wardrobe makeover every time the seasons and trends change might not be foreign to some. While there are those who believe in having a conservative approach to purchasing, some say it’s emotional shopping, whereas some want to simply keep up with the latest trends. What makes people addicted to shopping? Gulf News readers discuss

Emotional satisfaction: Some people have an emotional dependence with purchasing

I would say I was a shopping addict and would pretty much buy things on an impulse. I still do shop quite often but I always ask myself before a purchase - do I really need to buy this? Therefore, I would like to think I have become more conscious of my purchases, but this has happened after endless shopping sprees and seeing so much clutter and junk that I could not deal with it.

I do refer to shopping as retail therapy as it does have an element of emotional satisfaction derived from the power of purchasing and the novelty of owning something brand new. When I am feeling extremely low, I end up buying something expensive and feel like I have filled in a void.

When I am feeling extremely low, I end up buying something expensive and feel like I have filled in a void.

- Rabab Hussain

Personally I feel online shopping has had a positive effect on people like me, going to the mall and window shopping has more often than not led me to purchase something I don’t need, but with online shopping, I only purchase things I particularly need.

From Ms Rabab Hussain
Public relations director based in Dubai

Changing trends: Youngsters are prone to shopping excessively

One of the reasons why I feel I have started shopping more is because it has become extremely convenient, especially how it is just a click away. If I am browsing on an online shopping site just to strike boredom, I end up purchasing five items simply because they have sales going on or they have a free delivery threshold. The irony in this is that I end up spending more money in order to save some.

Millennials are facing more of this excessive buying disorder because of social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook: they are striving so hard to be like their ideals, buying what they own just to somehow get validation from them or to become a social media fashion influencer or a blogger themselves.

I believe that shopping addiction is not taken as a serious issue as compared to other illnesses. This is the reason why many people these days are in financial distress because they do not realise how bad this buying disorder has hit them until they find themselves spending more than they initially budgeted.

The irony in this is that I end up spending more money in order to save some.

- Haniyah Irfan

From Ms Haniyah Irfan
Finance head in a branding firm based in Dubai

Wasteful habits: Shopping unnecessarily can have an impact on the environment

When it comes to shopping addiction, I have never had issues with controlling my purchasing habits. I have always had the mentality of trying to buy what is necessary and useful in the longterm. I have only gotten better at it with time. There is always a good balance in getting what you would effectively use and get your money’s worth and unnecessary expenditure.

However, some people like to be up-to-date with the latest trends that could be in fashion, cars or even gadgets. They might find joy in spending and owning the latest things and if they are content with their choices and could afford the habit, I think they have the absolute right to enjoy themselves.

However, one thing that should be a concern is the impact on the environment. I think that people need to start being more responsible about the things they are buying and limit themselves for the sake of the future. This would not only play in the favour of their expenses but also have a positive impact on the environment and their conscious.

However, some people like to be up-to-date with the latest trends that could be in fashion, cars or even gadgets.

- Mohammad Osama Ahmad

From Mr Mohammad Osama Ahmad
Transportation and city planner based in Sharjah

Poll results: Gulf News asked: Are you addicted to shopping?
Yes 31%
No 69%

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Has technological progress fuelled people’s shopping addiction?