Ramadan: The good, the bad and the hungry
Image Credit: Gulf News Archives

What you need to know:

Reader urges parents to teach their children to pray and learn about Ramadan. 

When we look back, the happiest times in our lives are those spent bonding with family and friends. Nowadays, many of us live enormously demanding and anxious lives, which often takes away from the energy needed to instil values that will enlighten our toddlers.

The month of Ramadan gives parents and their children an opportunity to connect, not only with each other but also with God. Being a responsible parent, one needs to grasp this opportunity and ensure they imbibe good values in their children. In time, our children will be entering the real world and will be busy with deadlines and expectations. In order to make them think sensibly, parents need to train and develop their values so that they can help society.

Ramadan is a unique opportunity for people to read the Quran and make their children read it too, to convey and develop a strong moral compass among them. Children tend to have a short attention span and often need creative ways to grasp concepts. In such a situation, parents can read, recite and explain the Quran to their children. It is important to make children understand the context of simple phrases and help understand the message of God. Parents should share stories and parables from the Quran too. Storytelling can be easily used when reading Islamic stories. Children can be educated on the life of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] and about the holy month of Ramadan. Getting children to take part in Islamic art and craft, making cards for Ramadan and Eid, along with getting them to make and decorate cut-outs of the moon and stars, will help them understand Ramadan, as well as care and love the people around them. This effort could go a long way in moulding our children into good human beings that contribute to society.

- The reader is an insurance professional based in Dubai.