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Today, the IT department is no less important than the best divisions in any institution Image Credit: Pixabay

Some institutions still find it difficult to accept facts.

Today, the IT department is no less important than the best divisions in any institution. In fact, IT should be in the front row – and yet some ignore such a reality.

Indeed, reality requires us to pay full attention and impose the department’s presence at board meetings as it has a direct impact on the future. The way the head of IT thinks is usually different from the others, as he has to stay tuned to strategies, know the challenges, and be well advanced in the thinking.

The IT head has to be ready to implement what the institution may need in future phases, develop and integrate services that help with the adoption of automation, shorten procedures, and review them in periodic management meetings.

Placing the IT department in isolation will inevitably affect performance, and gives off a negative image of the management. The remedy is simple - once you add IT personnel to the meetings, you will see progress.

Don’t get into digital currencies blind

Digital currencies have crossed continents with many positives. But those who tried to be too adventurous have lost a lot, while some undoubtedly won. The “quacks” are rampant in that field, sneaking in from everywhere and exploiting anyone who knocks on the doors of digital currencies that are known to be swaying – than floating - in the deep seas.

The prices of digital currencies have reached artificial highs, lose their value, rise again, and continuing their shaking and swaying day and night. To enter this trade, you have to study it in depth with certified specialists, who numbers are few.

At all times, you have to beware of swindlers, whose ranks are as many as the sea has foam.

The foldable’s ready for action

There is no doubt smartphone designs have entered a transition phase. Samsung launched one of the greatest innovations in recent times, which is the foldable phone. When unfolded, it becomes a tablet through which we can write, read day and night, and watch anything that is useful.

And when we fold it, it becomes the ultimate phone. This technology has proven, with absolute certainty, that it is the right direction for phones meant for businesses, institutions, writers, readers, and anyone who needs a big screen when doing something.

We are now looking forward to the launch of the second generation of this technology, hoping that models will be released at a lower price. The importance of this innovation has begun to show up at other tech companies, and we see Microsoft has just bought a company to enable it to produce and support phones of such patterns. And Huawei is promising to offer a similar version - let the “marathon” for fold devices start soon.

Mini web services

Some people waste their time, and do not know that the time can be better utilised by providing mini-services on websites such as Fiverr, khamsat, and others. Through these websites, you can find takers for your skills.

Even if you do not have any specialization, some services such as the transcription of audio files or YouTube videos, voiceover, account management, follow-up orders, customer service, as well as marketing and sales, do not need high skills.

There are other services that you can sell on these websites such as design, production, proof-reading and translation. Other examples include programming apps and websites, legal scrutiny, consultancy, and a raft of other mini services.

The profit for some services from these websites may reach tens of thousands of dollars. Even the lowest ranges from $500 to $1,000 per month - all of that depends on the speed and accuracy of your skills in carrying out the tasks.

Invest your time fruitfully and let the wheels move, no matter how small. Once you make it move, you will move on to a bigger wheel. Never be ashamed to try, and even if you have failed many times, don’t give up.

Malicious ways

The corrupt will continue to harm, and show their cleverness by sending old-fashioned messages with fresh content. These warn your account will be closed for a particular reason, and that your option will be to access another page, log in and upload personal details and pay a certain sum.

Such sites are fictitious and only includes the same design as the original website. But on these sites, you are exposing yourself to the highest risks.

Such acts are classified in information security as “phishing”. As soon as you receive such messages, delete them immediately or access the website from its official address, or search it on Google.

Then log in after checking, see if you have any notifications and often you will see nothing. Also, make sure to activate the two-factor authentication system for all accounts.

Thus, even if you fall into this predicament, the corrupt will not be able to achieve his goal.

- Ahmed Al Zarouni is a Dubai-based tech specialist.