Sana’a: Yemen’s president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, has challenged opposition parties there  for a televised debate on the most  controversial issues facing the nation. These include constitutional amendments and elections.

“Come up for a TV  debate on my programmes and your programmes,”  Saleh said Sunday.

And he cautioned to beware of protests and demonstrations that lead to increased violence and chaos.  Over the last few days, Sana’a has witnessed  student demonstrations calling for change and ouster of President Saleh.  

“Yemen is a country of freedom and democracy, but we warn [away from] from chaos and demagogy,” Saleh said in an annual conference for army and security  commanders held in Sana’a Sunday.

“Yemen is not like Tunisia, where people were not allowed to enter mosques with IDs.”

He said he would  ask for a pardon from his people if he made mistakes or fell short of  his duties during his 32 years in power.

“I would ask for pardon from the people if I made mistakes or I fell short of my duties, only God is perfect,” he said.

President Saleh blasted those who say he wants to pass power to his son saying, he is against hereditary rule.

“Talking about hereditary rule is an impudent symphony, we are a republican and democratic system and we are against hereditary rule,” He said “We are against the  hereditary rule of the village, of the tribe, of the power, of the unity, of the ministry, we are against hereditary rule.”

On the latest proposed constitutional amendment which cancels presidential term limits, President Saleh said he is supporting only two presidential terms, each of five years  each, and was opposed to open=ended rule.

 “It’s only some MPs who suggested cancellation of the presidential term limits, but in my electoral programme which I’m responsible for, it’s only two terms , five years each,” he said.

President Saleh’s last term ends in  September 2013.

Saleh  also urger the military and security commanders of the conference to stop saying: “ with soul, and blood we protect Ali”

“With soul and blood we protect Yemen, with soul and blood  we protect Yemen, this is what  we should always say,” Saleh told the participants of conference to sustained applause.