Only 13 per cent of occupied East Jerusalem land is allowed for Palestinian construction, whilst only 7 per cent of building permits are granted to Palestinians. As of October 31, 2017 Israel authorities have issued demolition order, or demolished 925 Palestinians homes in the west bank Area C and Occupied East Jerusalem. (According to Oslo Agreement, Area C covers 60 per cent of the West Bank. Israel has retained almost full control of the area, including security and construction, while the Palestinian Authority provides education and health services).

Nearly 1,360 night raids are conducted on Palestinians each year, a majority of which are within two kilometres of an Israeli colony.

Around 70,000 Palestinians living in Area C have been subjected to colonies’ violence, including harassment, physical violence and destruction or property. Only 8.5 per cent of the complaints made by Palestinians for settlers’ violence led to indictment, which demonstrates the prevailing impunity for such violence.

According to Israel’s Ministry of Interior, Israel has revoked more than 14,500 residences from Palestinians from occupied Jerusalem since 1967.

Women activists and journalists have been subjected to night raids, arrests and punitive measures under the pretext of “incitement”, for instance, criticising Israeli occupation practices including on social media platforms such as Facebook.

Source: “Palestinian Women Under Prolonged Israeli Occupation"