Kuwait Airways B777
The airport's return to full operation, part of relaxing of restrictions related to COVID-19, has prompted the national airline, Kuwait Airways, to increase its overseas flights. Image Credit: AFP

Cairo: Prices of air tickets from Kuwait to several destinations have gone down since the country’s international airport returned to full capacity almost a month ago, experts have said.

The ticket prices have dropped by 50-200% for travelling to some overseas destinations, they told Kuwaiti news agency KUNA.

The airport's return to full operation, part of relaxing of restrictions related to COVID-19, has prompted the national airline, Kuwait Airways, to increase its overseas flights.

According to travel expert Kamal Kabsha, prices of air tickets, mainly those of departure flights from Kuwait have dropped sometimes by over 200% compared to the time before the airport return to full capacity.

Ticket prices to some destinations such as Turkey, Egypt, Paris and Munich have gone down by more than 50 per cent, said Nassib Adnan, an official at a travel agency.

“However, prices of flight tickets for other destinations such as Dubai, London, India, the Philippines and Jeddah are still high compared to the pre-coronavirus prices due to an increasing demand for them and low availability of direct flights to these destinations,” he added.

Last month, the Kuwaiti government eased virus-related restrictions for the fully vaccinated people and announced the return of the country’s airport to operate at full capacity.

After a seven-month ban, as of August 1, Kuwait has allowed the entry of expatriates as long as they have received two doses of a vaccine recognised by Kuwait.