WPK 220329  Karachi waterfall-1648568414194
Kidney Hill Park. Image Credit: Karachi's municipality

Karachi: The highest point in Karachi - the Kidney Hill Park - in addition to having an urban forest will get a waterfall, one of the biggest in Pakistan, in just two months.

The waterfall will be named after former prime minister late Benazir Bhutto.

Karachi’s Administrator, Barrister Murtaza Wahab, laid the foundation stone for the waterfall.

He said the waterfall will be 200 feet in length and 25 feet in height. The park will be transformed into a unique recreational site in Karachi, he added.

He announced on the occasion that four modern light towers had been installed to cover 62 acres area of the park and each of the towers has 24 lights. Barrister Wahab said that two more such light towers would be installed to let the people visit the open space at night.

He expressed his resolve to turn Kidney Hill Park into the greenest spot in Karachi. Up to 1,75,000 sapling of 55 different species of plants and trees have already been planted for the purpose.

Barrister Wahab said the park contained various walking trails and cemented corridors. The walkways have been named after different mountains, rivers, lakes, trees, fruits, forests, national parks, and deserts of Pakistan.

Karachi’s Administrator said that Kidney Hill Park, at the height of 219 feet, served as the perfect vantage point to get a sight of Karachi.

He said that wastewater was being used to increase greenery at the park.

Barrister Wahab said that a beautiful pond was also present in the park as he praised the services of the staffers of the Karachi Metropolitan Corporation for building all the facilities in the shortest possible time and for maintaining them.