Sharjah police
Image Credit: Supplied | Sharjah Police

Sharjah: Police here honoured an expatriate worker for carrying out a simple, yet noble humanitarian act to ensure the safety of drivers and road users.

Abdelaziz Abdelhameed, a Pakistani worker in the UAE, was esteemed for voluntarily moving barriers on a flood-damaged road in Sharjah's Al Saja'a district, in order to alert drivers to avoid a potential pitfall.

A part of road had collapsed following heavy rains that hit the Emirates in recent days. 

A motorist took a short video of Abdelhameed, who was seen moving barriers to alert drivers from inadvertently hitting what could pose a serious danger.

“Due to the rainfall, there is a hole beside the road. This worker wanted to warn other road users about this to prevent disaster. Despite his age, he is doing a good deed,” the voice was heard as saying in the video.

The video clip became viral on social media.  

Brigadier General Abdullah Mubarak bin Amer, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Sharjah Police, acknowledged Abdelhameed's admirable humanitarian act at the police headquarters on Thursday, in the context of promoting positive behaviour among members of the society, and highlighting noble acts that contribute to road safety and protecting lives.

The police officer stressed the keenness of the Sharjah Police General Command to honour members of the community who go the extra mile to do acts of humanity and social responsibility.

Sharjah Police said it was important to highlight good deeds in the community.

Brig Abdullah Mubarak acknowledged Abdelhameed's positive act at an honouring ceremony organised by the force.

“He put barriers in front of a deserted area in Al Sajaa which became a big hole because of rainwater to warn motorists and other road users. This is a noble and humanitarian act,” said Brig Mubarak.