Abu Dhabi: Members of the public are invited to the second annual lecture on nutrition, titled ‘The Facts on Trans fats and Your Heart Health', to be held on Thursday at the Shaikh Khalifa Medical City (SKMC), managed by Cleveland Clinic.

The hour-long lecture, which begins at 5pm, will be presented by clinical dietitian Fatima Al Kaff. It will cover essential facts on trans fats and their effects on the heart, as well as the threats of eating an unhealthy diet.

Trans fats have been linked to heart disease. SKMC signed a policy in 2008 to become a Trans Fat-Free zone, to identify food products containing trans fats, ban the use of food items containing more than 0.5 grams trans fats per serving at SKMC facilities, and to enforce trans fat-free zone procedures.


  • What: second annual lecture titled The Facts on Transfats and Your Heart Health
  • When: June 10, 5pm-6pm
  • Where: Shaikh Khalifa Medical City (SKMC) auditorium