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Novomed, a leading name in personalised wellness, aesthetics and functional medicine across the UAE, has announced the grand opening of its 10th branch – Novomed MBZ – in Abu Dhabi's Mohamed Bin Zayed City. This expansion marks a significant milestone for Novomed, highlighting its commitment to providing exceptional healthcare services to a broader population within the Emirates.

A haven for comprehensive care in the heart of Abu Dhabi

The state-of-the-art Novomed MBZ facility is a haven designed to cater to the diverse healthcare needs of the Abu Dhabi community. Stepping through the doors, patients will be greeted by a team of highly qualified and experienced professionals dedicated to offering a comprehensive range of services such as:

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Plastic surgery

For those seeking to enhance their appearance or address specific concerns, Novomed MBZ boasts a team of skilled plastic surgeons equipped with the latest techniques and technologies.


Addressing everything from acne and eczema to offering a full range of cosmetic dermatology services, Novomed MBZ's dermatology department offers personalised treatment plans for achieving healthy, radiant skin.

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Beauty and laser therapy

From non-surgical anti-ageing solutions to advanced laser treatments, Novomed MBZ's beauty and laser therapy department provides a variety of options to help patients achieve their desired aesthetic goals.

Family medicine

Novomed MBZ prioritises the well-being of the entire family. Its family medicine department offers comprehensive primary care services, ensuring preventative care and early diagnosis for a lifetime of good health.

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Women's health is a top priority at Novomed MBZ. Its dedicated gynaecology department provides a comfortable and supportive environment for women to receive essential preventative care and treatment for various conditions.


Novomed MBZ's urology department offers specialised care for men's health concerns, ensuring timely diagnosis and treatment for optimal well-being.

This commitment to comprehensive care goes beyond offering a wide range of services. Novomed MBZ prioritises affordability and convenience by accepting Thiqa insurance. This move ensures its premium services are more accessible to the Abu Dhabi community, allowing residents to prioritise their well-being without financial limitations.

Looking forward: A long-term commitment to Abu Dhabi

The opening of Novomed MBZ is a manifestation of Novomed's dedication to continuous growth and commitment to enriching lives across the UAE. This new branch represents just one step in its ongoing journey, and it looks forward to fostering long-lasting relationships with the Abu Dhabi community for years to come. Residents can expect Novomed MBZ to become a trusted partner in their healthcare journey, offering exceptional care, personalised treatment plans, and a commitment to overall well-being.