NAT PERFECT WORLD-1558371820489

Aumkar Misra

Grade 8, Our Own English High School, Sharjah (Boys)

My favourite book is The Perfect World by Priya Kumar. It is wonderful book and I would recommend it to all.

It shows how we waste our time depending on others and waiting for others to be with you everywhere you go. The one thing that should be done is let them, others, be free and let them do whatever they want, you go your own way and do whatever you want.

I would also like to talk about the concept in the book that the perfect world is another planet where you can find your happiness and peace or you can stay on Earth where everyone depends on each other and everyone wants you to come into their lives and interfere in their problems.

If you so wish, the perfect world could also be our very own Earth full of peace and joy.

My favourite place right now would be Puerto Rico because instead of investing in their armed forces they are investing in other vital resources like health and education.

The Perfect World not only talks about how not to bring other people into your life so they can do whatever you want, it also talks about a life full of deeds and full of sustainability and a lot of other things such as living a life without pollution.

We humans have just started to realise the effects of pollution and plastic on Earth. The wisest among all know that there is no use of indulging in war and bloodshed because that only leads to lives lost. The best thing is peace and harmony among all.

So keep sustaining, stop poaching, stop war and stop cutting trees. Or the Earth won’t be around for future generations.