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Going back to school after a long summer break can be stressful for children and teachers alike. Teachers believe that preparation is critical for a successful school term Image Credit: Shutterstock

Mitchelle Carvalho, Teacher, Raffles International School

I believe that sending out a teacher introduction letter to the parents is always a good start to the year. Having an organised and well-planned classroom provides a sense of structure, comfort and security to the students.

We also set out responsibilities on day one, allowing students to take ownership of their own duties.

Having an organised and well-planned classroom provides a sense of structure, comfort and security to the students.

- Mitchelle Carvalho, Teacher, Raffles International School

There is a feeling of excitement within me to meet my new class and I feel totally refreshed to impart knowledge to my students. I would definitely be a bit nervous about the upcoming and unknown challenges that might come up at the beginning of the school term. However, being proactive and planning ahead normally prevents a lot of problems.

It is important to have a clear a vision and work towards it. I try to be flexible with my thoughts and set measurable goals. If a problem or situation is out of my control, I always seek help from a relevant person.

Amy Rowlings, Head of Year 6 and class teacher, GEMS Wellington Academy, Al Khail

To prepare for a strong start after a long break, I use some of my time in the holiday to read current educational news, a variety of blogs with new ideas and create exciting resources. This means that when I meet with my team in the first week, we are prepared, and we can incorporate exciting new ideas into our teaching for the term ahead.

With a thorough handover during the last term, it means we are well on our way to getting to know our new class. We can, therefore, ease any anxiety or nerves they may have in their first week back at school.

Meeting my new class is always such an exciting time — I love getting to know the different personalities, understand their ways of learning and get to know their likes and dislikes.

- Amy Rowlings, Head of Year 6 and class teacher, GEMS Wellington Academy, Al Khail

Meeting my new class is always such an exciting time — I love getting to know the different personalities, understand their ways of learning and get to know their likes and dislikes. In order to relax, I always make time to do some form of exercise. Whether it’s running, a boxing class, yoga or a swim, exercise to me is the perfect way to maintaining balance, giving me time to pause and reflect.

Rania Hussein, Head of Senior School and DP English Teacher, GEMS World Academy Dubai

A lot of the preparation happens at the end of the previous year. So at the start of the year, the focus is on getting the physical spaces organised for students and preparing lessons that help get students back into the groove of school.

I reduce anxiety by being well prepared, creating lessons and planning activities I am comfortable and confident in.

- Rania Hussein, Head of Senior School and DP English Teacher, GEMS World Academy Dubai

While I feel a little anxious at the start of the new term, it’s also very exciting to meet new classes and get to know them. These relationships become very powerful, and in my opinion, one of the most crucial ways to setting a positive and safe tone to your classroom. I reduce anxiety by being well prepared, creating lessons and planning activities I am comfortable and confident in.

Alka Yadav, Head of Primary, Global Indian International School (GIIS) Dubai

At GIIS, our teachers arrive in school at least a week before the school reopens so that they can devise a thorough course-plan for the little ones when they come back after the break. Moreover, since the teachers have a plan in place before the students start arriving, they can also spend more time with students and listen to their summer holiday stories at length without compromising on time spent on planning their academics.

We try to create learning activities linked to the holidays so that the students can smoothly come out of their vacation mode and start studying again.

- Alka Yadav, Head of Primary, Global Indian International School (GIIS) Dubai

We really look forward to meeting our students who are full of new stories from their vacation and are excited to share their adventures and travel tales with us. We try to create learning activities linked to the holidays so that the students can smoothly come out of their vacation mode and start studying again. We encourage students to share their stories with us through exciting verbal and writing activities.

Michael Strachan, Deputy Head, Academic, Repton School

I personally do not get anxious as I have a great network of colleagues both at my school and across Dubai. If there is anything concerning me, I am able to discuss the issues.

Our school hosts a series of move up days during the summer term meaning that we have usually met all of our students prior to the start of the new school year. We are, therefore, ready to start teaching on the first day without any anxiety.

If you are well prepared for the start of term with a plan then you should be set up for a good year.

- Michael Strachan, Deputy Head, Academic, Repton School

If you are well prepared for the start of term with a plan then you should be set up for a good year. In addition, ensuring your classroom or working area is ready with all of the resources you need to begin teaching will go a long way to make sure that you hit the ground running.