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Durham School Dubai opened in outstanding, purpose-built facilities in Dubai Investments Park on Monday, August 29. On the first day, happy children and their parents skipped through the school gates to become the founders of Durham School Dubai.

The school is a full branch of the prestigious 600-year-old UK school and as such sets out to deliver the standards, ethos and traditions associated with high-quality UK independent education and Durham’s proud heritage.

“We are thrilled to be open and it is such a pleasure to see our superb teachers working so happily with our wonderful, founding children,” said Charis Wightman, Head of Primary School. “The opening of the school has been very smooth and the children are quickly settling into the daily routine at Durham, where happiness and kindness are high on the agenda.”

The opening of the school has been very smooth and the children are quickly settling into the daily routine at Durham, where happiness and kindness are high on the agenda.

- Charis Wightman, Head of Primary School

Academic attainment too is high on the agenda and the school is committed to traditional education with a strong emphasis on teaching the basics of reading, English and mathematics thoroughly. Comprehensive pastoral support for the students is at the heart of Durham School that aims to provide every pupil with Confidence for Life.

“Following the successful opening of Durham schools in Qatar and in Kenya, we are delighted to now see Durham School Dubai join our international family,” said Kieran McLaughlin, Headmaster Durham School UK.

With its strategic location and excellent facilities, combined with an uncompromising dedication to quality education, I am confident that Durham School Dubai will quickly establish a strong reputation in the region.

- Kieran McLaughlin, Headmaster Durham School UK

“With its strategic location and excellent facilities, combined with an uncompromising dedication to quality education, I am confident that Durham School Dubai will quickly establish a strong reputation in the region.”

To learn more about the school, visit