Dog poop: A common sight in New Dubai communities Image Credit: Gulf News Archives

Dubai: New Dubai residents are crying foul over careless pet owners and their maids who fail to clean up after their pets while walking them outdoors.

“Dog owners don’t seem to have the time to walk their dogs and quite often give that responsibility to house help and maids. Unfortunately, not all of them are trained in dog-handling. Quite often they are seen walking pets without a bag in their hand. One day I stopped to ask one of them why she wasn’t carrying a bag and she simply turned around and said she did not know that she needed to clean up after the pet,” a British expatriate in Jumeirah Islands said.

A Finish resident of Emirates Living said: “They [maids] are so busy on their phones that they fail to pick up their dog’s mess,” she said.

Another angry Pakistani resident said developers of posh communities must ban dogs completely. “I think pets should be banned in the community as people are simply irresponsible when it comes to taking care of their pets. The situation is just getting out of control.”

According to Emaar’s community guideline, pet handlers who fail to clean up after their pets will be issued a violation notice. “Any dog faeces deposited upon any portion of the master-community shall be promptly removed and properly disposed of in a sanitary manner by the dog handler. Dog handlers are deemed to include resident domestic employees that exercise pets. Non-compliance may result in notice of violation being issued to the defaulter.”

Nakheel’s guideline is also similar: “Any pet excrement deposited anywhere inside the common areas of the master community must be promptly removed and properly disposed off in a sanitary manner by the resident or their appointed staff.”