Stock Green pass Abu Dhabi
Green pass in Abu Dhabi Image Credit: Anas Thacharpadikkal/Gulf News

Abu Dhabi: The Green Pass implementation at Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (Seha) facilities has been indefinitely postponed.

In a statement sent today, Seha said patients and visitors can continue to enter health facilities without having to present their Green Pass. Seha is Abu Dhabi emirate’s public health provider, and it also operates COVID-19 facilities across the UAE.

Green pass

The Green Pass is a requirement in Abu Dhabi to enter many other public spaces, including malls, gyms, cinemas, entertainment and leisure venues, hotels, government departments, museums, cultural centres, schools, theme parks, and many restaurants and cafes. The system aims to keep people safe during the pandemic by mandating COVID-19 vaccination and regular PCR testing.

In order to maintain a Green Pass, individuals must be fully vaccinated, and get a negative PCR test every month. People who are not vaccinated, or who have a medical exemption for vaccination, must get a PCR test every week. The Green Pass requirement does not, however, apply to children aged less than 16 years.