Is this your first time here in the Middle East? What are you impressions of the region?

This is the first time I’ve come to the UAE but my collection is being sold through Bugatti boutiques in Dubai. I am a designer that loves big colours and people here love to wear bright pieces, so this is a great market for me. When I’m showing a collection in Paris, my pieces are very colourful and I can tell who in the audience is from the Middle East because they sit up and pay attention when they appear.

Where did you get the inspiration for your spring-summer collection?

I visited the Kew Gardens in London, and this collection was the result of that trip. I spent a day admiring the wonderful scenery...there were peacocks strutting around, and a beautiful pond filled with fish. There are several pieces in my collection that are a directly influenced by what I saw.

You are also known for your weddings designs. How does it feel to be put in charge of the most important dress in a woman’s life?

When I first started out, I was very confident but when I started receiving letters, thank you notes and photographs of each couple’s big day, I started to realise just how big a thing it was for the brides. That’s why I like to design simple gowns; they are comfortable and can be worn all day without the bride feeling self conscious about ruining her dress. When they are relaxed, they become themselves, which is beautiful.

Are there any trends you hope will come back?

When I was little, my mother would tell me the story about when she won a competition as a teenager to guess what Grace Kelly would wear to her wedding. She got to go and stay in a yacht, and go to Grace Kelly’s wedding. She would even bring out the scrapbook of that event. So in my head, I imagine fashion as being something glamorous, from the ’40s or ’50s.

What items do you think should be a staple in every woman’s wardrobe?

In your handbag, you should always keep a pair of sparkly flip flops and a really beautiful scarf. Even if you are wearing a very causal outfit, like jeans and a shirt, if you slip on the flip flops and pull out the scarf, it guarantees to help you fit in every occasion.