F1 driver Lewis Hamilton, left, and Valentino Creative Driector Pierpaolo Piccioli champion the cause of equality. Image Credit: Supplied

In Valentino speak, DI.fferent VA.lues = DIVAS. The contemporary Valentino DI.VAs is apparently a multifaceted character of codes and inner values, according to the brand. Expectedly, the House’s Creative Director, Pierpaolo Piccioli is continuing on the path to create a relationship with so-called DI.VAs, essentially hoping for a real cultural comeback.

This effort spans cinema, music, literature and sports, and according to Valentino “each DI.VAs plays a key role in sustaining the new vision gaining diversity by uniting together.”

The diversity of faces is what matters, according to Valentino. This is what the brand hopes will empower empathy and connection.

The reason for picking Hamilton is that he aligns with the values that Pierpaolo Piccioli espouses. The racing driver has been an advocate for equality and is passionate and dedicated to change mindsets when it comes to parity.

In 2021, Hamilton launched his own charitable foundation Mission 44, which aims to support, champion, and empower young people from underrepresented groups in the UK, through strategic partnerships, collaborations, grant giving and advocacy.

“Great things happen when we embrace our authentic selves, but even greater things happen when we come together to exchange our visions, values, and creativity. I am honoured to be joining forces with Creative Director and friend, Pierpaolo and Valentino, a brand I’ve long admired, to celebrate the Pink PP Collection. I always strive to collaborate with likeminded teams who are committed to making the world a better place, regardless of the barriers that stand in our way. So, to come together and collaborate with Valentino on this powerful campaign is really special,” said Hamilton

London is the first spot where the campaign has been launched.