Video: Learn to make trending blueberry buns

Video: Learn to make trending blueberry buns

Juicy and sweet berries on soft bread, a comforting treat with your cup of coffee!

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Blueberry buns are a classic and unfading breakfast treat that can be enjoyed any time of the day. You will be able to craft these with only a few staple ingredients. Baking bread of any kind might seem daunting to some, but this step-by-step guide will surely make the experience quite easy for you. No matter if you are an experienced chef or a new baker, this recipe helps you bake the most delicious blueberry buns.

Recipe guide

Preparation time - 2 hours

Baking time - 20 mins

Serves - 4


Blueberry filling

120 gms fresh blueberries

20 gms sugar

1 tsp cornflour

2 tbsp water


110 gms warm water

1 tsp instant dry yeast

20 gms castor sugar

200 gms all purpose flour

1/2 tsp salt

25 gms vegetable oil


For the filling:

Place the blueberries, sugar, water and cornflour in a saucepan over medium heat.

Once it starts to boil, lower the flame and let it simmer for about 5 minutes. Keep stirring regularly to prevent burning.

Take it off the heat and let it come to room temperature.

For the buns:

Take the water in a microwave safe bowl and microwave it for 30 seconds.

Add 5 gms of sugar and yeast. Mix it all together till everything dissolves, and keep it covered in a warm place for the yeast to activate.

Once it starts to bubble up, add the flour, salt, oil and remaining sugar to the yeast mixture.

Ensure the salt is first mixed in the flour and not added directly.

Bring the dough together using a whisk and then a spatula. Transfer it to a clean surface with a sprinkling of flour.

Knead the dough to activate the gluten for about 5 minutes.

Make a smooth ball of the dough and place it in a bowl. Cover it with a clean, damp cloth.

Keep it in a warm place for it to rise for about an hour.

After letting the dough double in size, remove the cloth and punch it down to release the air. Then, shape the dough into a smooth ball.

Lightly dust a clean surface with some flour and roll out the dough in 1/2 inch thick rectangular sheet.

Place the blueberry filling on top and spread it evenly. Tightly roll the dough to form a spiral log. Using a sharp knife, cut equal (2 inch) pieces and place them on a lined baking tray so that the filling is visible at the top.

Ensure there is a sufficient gap between each roll so they don't stick to each other while baking.

Cover the tray with a damp cloth and let them rise for about half an hour.

Remove the cloth, apply a milk wash and bake them in a preheated oven at 190°C for about 20 minutes or till they turn golden brown.

Remove the tray from the oven and allow the filling to set. Serve warm with coffee for breakfast or some vanilla ice cream for dessert.


1. Add some fresh lemon juice to the filling while cooking for some extra tang.

2. Proof the dough twice for the buns to be extra soft.

3. You can reduce the water by 50 gms and add one egg to make the dough softer.

4. Replace the blueberries with berries of your choice to customise the buns

5. The dough can be used to make soft rolls and even burger buns.

6. You may choose to make individual dough balls and fill them individually with the filling to form small burger buns.

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