Prep 20 m
Cook 5m
1 to 2


    3 samosa pastry sheets (store bought)

    15 ml sugar syrup (equal parts water and sugar)

    4 gms sliced almonds

    4 gms sliced pistachios  

    Pinch of saffron

    70 gms Khoya (sweetened milk solids - store bought)

    20 gms icing sugar          

    1 gm cardamom powder

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Ingredient Substitution Guide


1. Make the stuffing of khoya mixed with sugar, cardamom powder, pistachios and almonds.

2. Place the long rectangular shaped pastry on a tray or working surface. Wrap the pastry into a triangular, samosa shaped pocket and fill it with a tablespoon of the stuffing and wrap tightly.

Note: You can make a slurry out of flour and water to act as glue when wrapping the samosas. Apply it on the edges of the samosa when making the final fold.

3. Fry the samosa over a medium flame till crisp and golden brown.

4. As soon as the samosas are fried, dip them in sugar syrup.

5. Garnish with almonds, pistachios, saffron and serve with sweetened, reduced milk or rabdi.

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