A Wiesmann model at the Al Bustan Palace Hotel in Muscat during the luxury German sports car’s launch. Image Credit: Supplied picture

Muscat: The GCC is the stabilising factor for the recession-hit European and American auto industry, especially the luxury brands, according to a senior official of a German luxury carmaker.

"We see great potential in the market in this region that could stabilise the market hit by global economic recession in 2009," Olaf Sewald, head of sales for Wiesmann, which launched its luxury brand in Muscat last Tuesday.

However, Sewald added that Wiesmann was on the recovery path in 2010 even in Europe.

"We sold 200 cars in 2010, which is the best ever since we started manufacturing our brand in 1988," he said.

Improving markets

He pointed out that Wies-mann had seen the market improve regarding their brand, in Germany and Switzerland in the period following the 2009 recession.

In Oman, Sewald said that they were aiming to sell five cars a year and gradually increase sales to 10 in partnership with their local agents Fairtrade Auto.

Sewald said that they can provide up to 30,000 exterior designs of the car and about 14,000 interior styles of the super luxury car.

"With the basic price of 50,000 Omani riyals (Dh474,576), the cost of a car can go up to 130,000 riyals," said Faisal Bin Murtadha Al Lawati, managing director of Fairtrade Auto.

Sewald said that cust-omers in the GCC liked to play with the colours and look of the hand-made sports car. He added that the automaker had plenty of options for these aficionados.

With Wiesmann available in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman and the UAE, the German manufacturers are aiming to raise their yearly sales in the region to 500 over the next five years.

"There's a market for such luxury cars in this area and we are quite optimistic about growth. Oman has its fair share of customers who appreciate luxury automotive brands. Wiesmann is one such name that can ele-vate stylish and sporty driving to a lifestyle," said Murtadha Hassan Ali, chairman of the Fairtrade Group Holding.

All variants of Wiesmann models, from the GT to the Roadster, will be available in Muscat. Discerning customers can test drive the GT MF-4S and GT MF-4S Roadster.

"Each of Wiesmann's crafted vehicles is a pleasure to drive that is coupled with each model's distinct personality.

"For those who want to own a vehicle out of the ordinary, this is the brand to watch out for," said Friedhelm Wiesmann, managing partner of the German carmaker.