The selective tax is likely to earn the government about 500 million dinars annually. Image Credit: Gulf News Archives

Dubai: The Kuwaiti government said it has taken steps to study the implementation of a selective taxation system, which will cover tobacco and related products, soft and sweetened drinks, expensive goods such as watches, jewellery and precious stones as well as luxury cars and yachts, instead of a value-added tax (VAT), local media reported.

The government is unlikely to implement VAT any time soon due to the high inflation rate, and keeping in mind the global market turmoil triggered by recent developments, the media platforms said, citing sources.

The VAT system is likely to be rejected by both the national assembly and the people of Kuwait, they said. Hence, the government is now considering the implementation of an excise tax system.

According to a study launched by the government, the selective tax rate will range from 10 to 25 per cent.

Sources expected that the selective tax will earn the government about 500 million dinars annually.