Dubai: In a pioneering procedure performed at Dubai Hospital, surgeons successfully conducted the first carbon dioxide angiogram with angioplasty in the UAE on a 60-year-old Emirati patient suffering from closure of lower limb vessels.

The procedure was performed at the hospital’s recently-opened catherisation laboratory dedicated for vascular and oncological interventions.

It is the first catherisation laboratory for cancer patients in the UAE.

Elaborating on the procedure, Dr Farida Al Khaja, director of clinical support services at Dubai Hospital, said: “The conventional method for angioplasty, which is needed to open blocked vessels, is to use a contrast dye so that radiologists can see images which clearly demarcate the vessels that are blocked."

Reduced hospital stay

"However, this procedure," she explained, "is not very suited for diabetics and certain people with other pre-existing conditions because the dye can have an adverse effects on their kidney and other vital organs. With the introduction of the new method of doing angioplasty using CO2 (carbon dioxide), patients have a safer option with reduced hospital stay.”

Dr Ayman Al Saleh, consultant interventional radiologist at Dubai Hospital, said: “This procedure is suitable for most cases except for certain patients with congenital heart problems. However, on the whole, this procedure is applicable for a majority of patients and is definitely safer than the earlier option of using a contrast dye, especially in diabetic cases.

"In this procedure, carbon dioxide gas is used to see images of blocked vessels. We already have carbon dioxide in our vessels which is exhaled by our body and in turn we inhale oxygen. In this case, once carbon dioxide is administered, the lungs help exhale the gas. No chemical is used, leading to better patient outcomes.”

Al Saleh said in the conventional method, once the procedure is over, diabetic patients need to stay in the hospital so that they can be given sufficient fluids to flush out the harmful effects of the dye and their renal function is closely monitored.

In this case, the patient was discharged within a few hours of completing the procedure.