
Mohammad Omar, 38, British businessman in Dubai

“How so much food goes to waste every Ramadan is a big mystery to me. I don’t understand why restaurants put out so much food at buffets and why people cook so much food at home. Ramadan is not a month of food, it is a month of spirituality.

“I completely understand that when you are hungry, you feel like eating everything. But it’s a classic case of the eyes being bigger than the stomach and we all know that. Every Ramadan, we should keep that in mind and start with small portions. If you have small portions, you can always add more. But if you’ve already put too much on the plate, it’ll go to waste if you don’t finish it. Who will like to eat your leftover?

“I try not to waste any food. I must admit I have wasted a bit here and there in the past. I feel more conscious of wastage during Ramadan because of the emphasis on counting your blessings in the holy month. And what greater blessing is there other than food?”

As told to Faisal Masudi, Staff Reporter