Dubai: The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has launched standards of health-care for respiratory care in Dubai.

The move is aimed to promote unified management of respiratory diseases for patients in Dubai. This means that all health-care providers in the emirate — private and public — will follow the same standards of care for every patient with respiratory problems in Dubai.

DHA will train more than 700 physicians across the private and public sector to ensure unified protocols are followed.

In March, the DHA launched unified standards of care for diabetes management.

Dr Haidar Al Yousuf, Director, Health Funding Department, DHA, said, “The project will ensure health-care providers follow unified treatment guidelines and criteria for referral, pharmacological therapy and management of respiratory disease complications in all health settings, including primary health care…”

The Dubai Standards in Health Care programme consists of a series of accredited educational events, starting on December 11.