Sana'a: A Yemeni family of 13 members was found dead in a locked room near Sana'a airport after inhaling a generator's fumes, Yemen ministry of defence reported on Monday.

Local sources said police found no sign of life in the home when they arrived and the family may have died three days before police found them. Police believe that the ill-fated family used the power generator in a shuttered room and slept.

In another similar incident, the ministry of interior said that two people suffocated to death as a result of inhaling power generator's smoke. The two people are aged between 30 to 40.

Yemen's capital has experienced long hours of power outages since the beginning of the political crisis early this year due to interruption of power supplies from the restive Mareb province. However, opposition said that government is deliberately cut power to make people pay for supporting anti-regime uprising.