Dubai Eye doctors warn that children should not read while lying down or sit close to the TV screen as it leads to eye fatigue.

“When reading, the child should not hold the book too close to the eyes,” says Dr Christine Eridani, optometrist at Vision Express.

Children also should not play with electronic gadgets and games for more than an hour as it leads to dry eyes and blurred vision.

Now that we are in the midst of summer, doctors advise children’s eyes be protected from the sun’s ultra-violet (UV) rays.

“Children [as young as four years] also need good sunglasses,” says Dr Krishna Kumar Sharma, optometrist at Yateem Opticals. “Do not buy cheap sunglasses,” he warns. “Make sure the good ones are 100 per cent UV protected.”

A good diet and reading in proper lighting is important, says Dr Eridani. “Vitamin A is good for the eyes and you get it from vegetables that are yellow-coloured such as squash, peppers, etc.”

According to Dr Sharma, while children in the UAE do not suffer from a vitamin A deficiency, the important foods that they should eat are eggs, fish, milk, and fruits and vegetables.