Abu Dhabi: Lectures for Ministry of Interior overseas scholarship students have been organised by the ministry to raise their awareness regarding the laws and respect for culture in the countries to which they were sent to study.

Lieutenant Colonel Dr Salah Al Ghoul, Director of Law Respect Culture Bureau, said: “The students that have been sent abroad to study are basically ambassadors for the UAE. Therefore it is just as important to educate this segment of society with regard to their country of study as it is to educate all the other segments of society.”

Lieutenant Saleem Al Afari, administrative official for the programme at the bureau, said: “These educational lectures are to equip students with all the guidelines and legal issues that they need to know in order to avoid violating the laws of the countries where they are studying. The civilised principles of law and respect for culture are essential in the protection of individuals. Hiding behind ignorance will not protect an individual from punishment.”