Abu Dhabi: Abu Dhabi will host the annual general meeting of the World Future Council (WFC) as the event comes to the Middle East for the first time next month.

Prominent personalities from across the globe will lend their voices to the forum which advocates the interests of future generations in sustainable policy-making,

The meeting titled ‘Securing Our World: The Crucial Next 5 years’ will be held from November 21 to 25.

WFC has successfully inspired several governments to frame legislations and policies to conserve natural resources.

The organisation’s annual Future Policy Award appreciates policies that create better living conditions for current and future generations. It is the first award that celebrates policies rather than people on an international level, helping raise global awareness for exemplary policies and speed up policy action towards just, sustainable and peaceful societies. The award, for instance, highlighted a food security programme in Brazil in 2009 while in 2011 it drew global plaudits for Rwanda’s national forest policy.

The World Future Council (WFC) consists of 50 respected personalities from five continents including actress Daryl Hannah who is also an advocate for a sustainable world and Youssou N’Dour, the tourism and culture minister of Senegal and a musician in his own right.

Francisco Whitaker, co-founder of the World Social Forum and Dr Vandana Shiva, a scientist and environmental activist from India, are expected to attend. Among delegates from the UAE will be Dr Rafis Gobash, former president of the Arab Gulf University.

The WFC says it tries to make politicians aware that they have an ethical responsibility to assess every decision-making process on the basis of how it will affect future generations. “In close collaboration with civil society groups, members of parliament, governments, businesses and international organisations, we research future just policies and legislation. We then advise political decision-makers, offer them tried and tested courses of action and support them in the concrete implementation of new policies,” a WCF statement said.

The lifestyle in industrialised countries has led to people using up natural resources at a threatening pace, the statement noted. “Consequently, our environment is being destroyed and the unequal distribution of wealth and natural resources is increasing. Mankind today is living and consuming at the price of future generations. Our aim is to pass on a healthy planet and just societies to our children and grandchildren,” it added.