Abu Dhabi: Senior police officers have said that bribery cases in UAE were very limited last year.

Colonel Ali Saeed Al Nuaimi, Deputy Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at Abu Dhabi Police Department told 999 magazine that there were five bribery cases in Abu Dhabi last year.

"There were only five cases in Abu Dhabi last year, that mostly took place in government offices", he revealed.

He said the small number of bribery cases was because of the strict administrative monitoring systems at government departments in the country and the stiff penalties imposed.

Col Al Nuaimi said bribery cases often take place outside office environments. "Bribery cases should not be covered up at government and semi-government institutions, and internal regulations should be in place to penalise wrongdoers", he added.

Lieutenant Colonel Jamal Al Jallaf, director of Criminal Supervision at the Criminal Investigation Department of Dubai Police, told the magazine that "Bribery is a new, imported crime. Bribery cases in UAE society is small in number compared to other countries. This is because the UAE society still dignifies traditions and people care about their reputation. Besides, the income of government employees is quite high and employees also receive bonuses, and that helps prevent bribery."