Image Credit: Gulf News

Riyadh: Saudi Arabia and Qatar have signed several agreements on the sidelines of the second meeting of the Saudi-Qatari Joint Coordination Council in Doha Monday night, further boosting bilateral ties in various fields.

As many as 10 agreements, memoranda of understanding and minutes pertaining to political, health, agricultural, economic, commercial, diplomatic, cultural, media, industrial, Islamic affairs and endowments fields were signed on the occasion.

The meeting was co-chaired by the Saudi Second Deputy Premier and Minister of Interior Prince Nayef Bin Abdul Aziz and Qatar’s Crown Prince Shaikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani.

In his presidential speech Prince Nayef reaffirmed that creation of the Council comes as further enhancement for the march of Gulf Cooperation Council and reflects the great keenness of the leadership of the two countries in boosting bilateral relations in all fields.

Addressing a joint press conference after the meeting, Prince Nayef and Shaikh Tamim underscored the keenness of both the countries to further strengthening the unity and integrity of the GCC.

Replying to queries with regard to the recent harsh statement of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about Iran’s nuclear programme, Prince Nayef said that Saudi Arabia’s position on the issue is the same with that of other GCC states. “The GCC position was clearly stated at the GCC summit held in Kuwait last year.

The Kingdom’s position is nothing other than that of other Gulf and Arab states,” he said. On his part, Shaikh Tamim considered the meeting as an important step on the way to enhanced cooperation between the two countries, noting that it would yield positive results in boosting cooperation in all fields in a way that serves interests of the people of both the countries. The Council’s first session was held in Riyadh in December 2008.

Meanwhile, Saudi political analysts and writers welcomed the agreements signed in Doha on the sidelines of the Coordination Council meeting.

Speaking to Gulf News, they said that this demonstrates the determination of both the countries in pushing ahead with initiatives aimed at bringing closer and strengthening rapprochement between the two neighbours.

Dr. Nayef Al Shamri, a Saudi political analyst, said the Doha meeting reaffirms the common understanding that the two countries are moving together with other GCC states in the same boat to a same destination.

“The security threats and challenges facing the Gulf and Arab region are common and none of the countries in the region cannot be escaped from their disastrous consequences,” he said noting that these threats are becoming more evident with the policies of the United States, Israel and Iran with regard to the region.

On his part, Dr. Hassan Al Ahdal, a Saudi writer, said that the people of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are keener in working seriously to have much closer political harmony and economic integration between the two countries. They also want to realize enhanced cooperation and coordination in all the fields and areas of mutual concern.