Activist distributed statements, documents, posters, videos and other materials in various European languages, highlighting the facts and figures about Qatar’s funding of global terrorism. Image Credit: WAM

Vienna: A Global Campaign Against the Qatari Financing of Terrorism has received a significant response from various community groups and figures.

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The international anti-terror movement was launched on Friday in major European capital cities, including London, Paris, Vienna and Bonn.

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Activists have distributed statements, documents, posters, videos and other materials in various European languages, highlighting the facts and figures about Qatar’s funding of global terrorism, which has harmed many innocent civilians across the world.


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Activists have also expressed their absolute rejection of all forms of terrorism and demanded a collective international stand against states that harbour, foster and financially support terrorists.

The grass-roots campaign was launched last week outside the Qatari embassy in Vienna, spreading to Germany, Yemen, Libya, the UK and Switzerland.

The organisers said that the campaign will continue in major European capitals to pressure Doha into returning to reason and wisdom, and to stop funding terrorism.

They explained that the campaign aims to expose the Qatari regime’s malpractices in these countries and raise awareness about its leniency towards terrorist groups.

The organisers added that they coordinated their campaign with several anti-terror organisations across the world.

Activists said they will file lawsuits to demand compensation for the victims of Doha’s funding of terrorism.

In their opening statement, the activists said the campaign aims to combat Qatar’s funding of global terrorism and extremist activities, which received financial and logistical support from Doha.

“The campaign seeks to counter hateful and extremist rhetoric, which Qatar has promoted through its media outlets against the culture of pluralism and tolerance between ethnic and religious sects, in defiant violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other UN conventions and treaties,” the statement said, while adding the focus will be on the international efforts to fight terrorism and violent extremism, and the production of extensive media and educational programmes.

The campaign will also focus on conducting activities at United Nations forums that will highlight the social and cultural impact of Qatari-funded terrorism and extremism on the international community, and how to confront them, the statement added.

“The campaign will prepare illustrated document material that will reveal the real and painful stories of victims and groups that were subjected to suffering and violence from Doha-funded terrorist organisations,” it noted. Legal, cultural and social activities to support the campaign’s themes will also be organised in partnership with global counter-terrorism agencies and initiatives.

“One of the most important objectives of the campaign is to spread the culture of diversity, pluralism, tolerance and peace against the extremism which has spread in recent years primarily due to Qatari funding,” the statement concluded.