Image Credit: Gulf News

Manama: A Kuwaiti MP has called for the establishment of a specialised judicial department that will look into cases brought against journalists.

The department should be made up of judges with cultural, political and legal backgrounds about the media, MP Saleh Al Mulla said.

"The call for the specialised department stems from the sorry state of media affairs since cases are now referred to the criminal court. This is really shocking. Does this mean that reporting news is equated with crimes, bootlegging and using drugs?" he asked.

"The existence of a panel of judges in the specialised department who are highly knowledgeable about the media should help improve the situation and preserve journalists' freedom," the MP said.

According to international media and rights organisations, Kuwait has one of the best rankings in media freedom in the Arab world.

However, the broadcasting of a controversial programme denigrating Bedouins and accusing some of them of breaking the law by holding dual citizenship has sparked a move by the government to amend the existing press code. Editors have already voiced concern about the proposed amendments.

Last week, Reporters Without Borders deplored fines imposed by a Kuwaiti court on a journalist.