Good nutrition is no accident and it is important to have some understanding about how and what to feed your cat and dog. It takes time and patience to learn what they need to stay healthy, happy and active. To make your job a little easier, here are some tips to ensure that your pet gets all of his nutritional and behaviour needs.

Dogs and cats are different species, with their own nutritional requirements. Each pet should be fed according to its weight, age and condition. Always be sure that you are giving a complete and balanced diet and fresh water, the right percentage of protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins.

Human metabolism is completely different from a dog or a cat. Don’t give bones or chocolate to your pet. Bones are dangerous; they can splinter and puncture the stomach or intestine, while chocolate is very toxic for animals. It is preferable to give them snacks and treats that are made for them.

Hygiene and appropriate disinfection is extremely important in controlling/eliminating any infections. Always clean the leftovers from bowls after every meal, and disinfect the bowls at least twice a month so your pet continues to have a happy and a healthy life.

The behaviour shown by your pet once you arrive home (barking, meowing, jumping or rubbing between your legs) should be recognised as just greeting and not demand for food. So next time you come home, trade this behaviour with cuddles and playtime.

It is important for you to set a schedule for feeding your pet. Creating a plan also regulates their metabolism, making house training easier. This can help prevent metabolic disorders such as obesity. It also creates a certain balance and discipline in their life. After eating, always give them some space for about an hour and be consistent in your feeding schedule.

As you begin to eat your food, your pet gives you the look. You know the one — where he stares mournfully at your food, then at you, whining softly. But as much as you want to share your plate, don’t feed them table scraps. This leads to a lot of digestive issues such as stomach upset, diabetes and bad breath. Do not encourage your pet to get it his way as such behaviour can lead to problems in the future.