Dubai: Electronics retailers in the UAE are more likely to make their shoppers feel valued ... that’s according to a recent survey by the loyalty programme consultants ICLP. Nearly half of shoppers visiting these outlets had such a sentiment. That compares with “just 35 per cent for sporting goods shops, 34 per cent for fashion retailers, and 27 per cent among supermarkets”, it finds. Electronics retailers are doing a “better job of remembering what it is that their customers want” and 33 per cent of customers said that their shopping, payment, and delivery preferences were remembered.

These retailers also made the best use of personal data, which could be “why customers believe they are delivering the best level of personalisation”, ICLP finds. Sixty per cent of shoppers at electronics brands said that their personal data was used in ways that benefited their shopping experience compared to just 42 per cent for fashion retailers, 39 per cent for sports goods, and 31 per cent for supermarkets.

“Loyalty needs to be a strategy that runs through all departments and has buy-in from all levels,” said Sanjit Gill, General Manager at ICLP. “This also needs to include a long-term view that includes lasting support, guidance, and customer care.”