Abu Dhabi: Abu Dhabi Airports Company (ADAC) released its monthly traffic report on Wednesday, which showed a 12.2 per cent increase in passenger traffic in May compared to the same month last year.

Cargo movements showed a 19.4 per cent increase for the same period, while the airport recorded a 12.4 per cent lift in aircraft movements.  

The top five destinations together recorded a passenger total of 159,609, or 19.2 per cent of all passengers travelling through Abu Dhabi International Airport.

Manila took the top spot for the first time, followed by London in second place and Doha in third. Bangkok, affected by the recent political unrest, dropped to fourth place, leaving Bahrain in fifth.

Ahmed Al Haddabi, Senior Vice President of Airport Operations, ADAC, said: "We continue to see double digit growth at Abu Dhabi International Airport affected mainly by the increase of traffic to major regions, where North America becomes the number one region with a growth of 104 per cent in May 2010 compared with the same period last year."
Al Haddabi said that Africa came in second with a 58 per cent increase and Europe took the third place with 16 per cent. Far East came in fourth with a 13 per cent increase and the Middle East and Indian Subcontinent shared fifth position with a 12 per cent increase each.

"We do expect such growth to continue as we continue to add new routes and airlines to Abu Dhabi International," Al Haddabi added.