Woman jailed, jailed woman, jail, prison
Illustrative image. Image Credit: Pixabay

Dubai: A Libyan woman has been arrested on suspicion of murdering her husband after he accidentally broke some coffee cups, according to local media reports. The victim is alleged to have been beat him up with a cast iron broom.

The Ministry of Interior of the Government of National Unity issued a statement on Tuesday, confirming that the Bureau of Investigations has uncovered the circumstances surrounding the murder of a citizen inside his home in the Gargarish area of Tripoli.

The perpetrator attempted to mislead authorities by claiming unknown persons were responsible for her husband’s murder. However, during interrogation, she confessed to committing the murder due to difficulties in their cohabitation.

She said that her husband, who had a disability, disobeyed her and failed to follow her instructions, and that his actions, such as breaking coffee cups, angered her to the point that she hit him with a broom, causing injuries to his head, back, and legs.

The perpetrator stated that she did not intend to kill her husband, but hit him in order to prevent him from repeating the same mistake, believing that he would only understand through physical punishment. She said that her husband lost consciousness, fell to the ground, and stopped breathing after the attack, and she realized he had died.