Step forward
We all saw what happened in Cancun, Mexico, during the [UN Climate Change Conference, 2010] ("Importance of recycling", Your Turn, Gulf News, December 22). There was finally a small breakthrough and the billions of dollars should be spent well and monitored. This is not an issue of money or economy — it is about whether this planet is going to survive or not. What are we going to do individually to save this planet? I see people wasting water when they are shaving and brushing their teeth. How many gallons are being wasted every day? I request authorities to make it a law to install timers on taps in all public and private capacities. A lot of people still don't know what the climate change is and what it is doing to them. If the temperature rises, people prefer to stay at home, close to the air conditioner, which again results in climate change. Recently, while I was on holiday, I noticed a lot of places where water was leaking from taps and in some cases flowing away. When I tried to close the tap, people would look at me like I am crazy. Later, when I tried to explain to them that there won't be any water left soon, they laughed at me. This is happening due to lack of knowledge. I think the world government should step in further and educate people about climate change. Everyone should be held responsible and play their part in preserving resources. The time we have lost and continue to lose is going to cost us our own planet.
From Ms Pooazhagan P.

 Environmental campaigns
It is great to know that schools in the UAE have succeeded in reducing the carbon footprint by a great measure. Energy conservation is a great way to help the environment along with reducing our utility bills. As a part of my aim to reduce my electricity consumption, I have installed CFL [Compact Fluorescent Lamp] light bulbs in my house. I try my level best to switch off the lights and electrical appliances when not in use. In order to save water, I take up various home measures like repairing broken water taps at the earliest possible. I also try to participate in as many environmental campaigns as possible. If we all join together, we would be able to make this environment a better place to live in.
From Ms Neethu Balachandran
Abu Dhabi

 Christmas spirit
In our school, we have special assemblies for different occasions. We were excited when our teacher told us that we were going to have an assembly for Christmas and the festive season. We wanted to do something different this time — maybe, make a very different Christmas tree! That is when we decided to make a green, recycled tree. All of us collected green plastic bottles for the project. It was not easy trying to balance them one above the other to make the tree. But, we managed to do it and decorated it with pretty ornaments. We even made Christmas cards and gifts with used boxes and magazines to put under and around the tree. Our tree looked lovely! We feel proud to have made a completely recycled Christmas tree and want to share this message with all our friends — reduce, reuse, recycle and take care of the environment.
From Ms Asha Mathew

 Don't litter
I would like to request the concerned authorities to install more small dust bins on the roadsides, where people like me who smoke can easily throw the cigarette butts. I never throw [the butts] on the road, but sometimes I have to carry it a long way in search of a bin. There should be heavy fines if anybody litters on the roads. I request everyone that if we see somebody littering, we should either stop them or pick the garbage and put it in the bins. This way we can keep the country neat and clean.
From Mr Satyendra Kumar 

Constant increase
It is not only the price of onion [that has risen] as Gulf News has reported, but in recent days [the price of] ginger is also hitting the roof, followed by garlic ("Retailers see rise in price of Pakistani onions", Gulf News, December 23). Though onion is imported mostly from India, does the same apply to other produces, too? Why are their prices constantly increasing?
From Ms Yousufa Mohammad
Abu Dhabi
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