After almost 100 soldiers and marines lost their lives in and around Sangin, the Defence Secretary has confirmed that the British are to hand over the area to the Americans. Already, a wide variety of views have been expressed about this decision, but mine is unequivocal: it is the correct and logical thing to do from a military perspective.

There is no doubt that our presence in Sangin since summer 2006 has been expensive — too expensive — in terms of lives lost. Our presence there was not part of our initial plan, but a response to the Afghan government's plea to secure their authority by holding the District Centre — the compound that is the seat of local power. This placed a small number of soldiers in a fixed location, which then became a magnet for Taliban opposition.

We were fighting a battle on ground, and in a manner that was not of our choosing. At the tactical level, we have continued to achieve our aim — the District Centre has remained in our hands — but it has been at a high price. However, our ability to clear the town and the surrounding area of Taliban, hold it securely and enable a better life to be built for local people was always hobbled by one key issue — a lack of manpower.

Not enough soldiers

It is generally accepted in a counter-insurgency operation that the security forces are unlikely to gain the upper hand until the ratio of security forces to the local population has reached something in the order of 1:25. For the last four years, with British forces spread thinly across central and northern Helmand, we came nowhere near that ratio. For nearly two years the case has been argued that to secure the support of the population we needed considerably more "boots on the ground". Personally, I have always argued that I do not mind whose feet are in those boots — British, American or Afghan — but a marked increase in the number of boots there must be.

Last summer, US President Barack Obama weighed up his options, favoured the prosecution of a comprehensive counter-insurgency campaign and ordered a surge of 30,000 US military personnel. After months of prevarication, largely on cost grounds, the British government agreed to raise our force levels to the 10,000 mark, and Nato began to accelerate the speed of recruitment into and training of the Afghan security forces. These decisions put us on a track that presented the possibility of really being able to hold securely those parts of Helmand that we had cleared of Taliban. In Sangin, we have begun to see the benefit of this. The shops and stalls in the bazaar are numbered in hundreds; there is even a bookshop and a motorcycle dealership. However, the Taliban continue to contest the outskirts of the town, which our lack of numbers prevent us dominating. The Taliban's chosen weapon is the improvised explosive device (IED), and in areas that we cannot properly observe and dominate it is too easy for these devices to be planted and casualties to our troops caused.

The US and Afghan troop increase in northern Helmand has now reached the point where critical mass and the right force ratios are in prospect, but this leads inevitably to a change in command and control arrangements. The US Marine Corps, now in considerable strength, has assumed operational responsibility for northern Helmand and therefore to have a lone British battlegroup in the middle of the US area of responsibility made no ongoing sense from either a tactical, command and control, or logistical point of view. So the re-deployment of the British battlegroup from Sangin to central Helmand is an entirely logical move. Furthermore, the arrival of that battlegroup further south will thicken up British troops and help provide critical mass in central Helmand — more good logic.

Different viewpoints

Others will ignore this logic for their own reasons. Some will present the change as the Americans bailing out the Brits, some will choose to see it as the start of a wider British withdrawal, while the Taliban will no doubt claim the move as a tactical victory on their part. Those views cannot be suppressed in a liberal democracy such as ours, but they should not be allowed to gain credibility or traction. It is more important that the move be seen for the sensible development of the campaign that it is. This brings us to the emotional question that must be in the forefront of the minds of the families who lost loved ones in Sangin. Now that we are leaving, was their sacrifice in vain?

Again, my answer is another unequivocal one — no. Of course, any loss of life is a desperate tragedy for any family, but this campaign is not just about Sangin, about Helmand or even Afghanistan. It is directly connected to the security and national interests of our own country.

So those who lost their lives in Sangin were, and are, part of a much bigger undertaking — to develop Afghanistan into a sufficiently stable state that Al Qaida and its supporters are denied the opportunity to export violence again to the West, as they did so spectacularly on September 11. That is a noble cause, and those who have lost their lives in its pursuit should be remembered with nothing but great pride and gratitude.

General Sir Richard Dannatt is a former Chief of the General Staff of the British Army.