Clarification needed

I take deep offence to some of the content and the majority of the tone of the Newsmaker piece (“Spiking the Oscars”, Gulf News, January 23).

I quote: “Lee, in my opinion, is in the same boat as Michael Moore - but not as black and not as annoying.” Moore is Caucasian, so what is meant by that comment?

In addition: “...which starred Denzel Washington as black civil rights activist Malcolm X.” Why the need to mention Malcolm X’s race? It did not add to the point and only served to further suggest a less than pure attitude of the writer.

I disagree completely with the assertion that the Oscars tend to focus on blockbusters (Birdman, 12 years, Argo, The Artist). Even if that were the case, might I suggest that the author investigate the box office receipts ($200 million) for the film that he denigrates towards the end of his piece?

The assertion that Hispanics aren’t as vocal about potential snubs by the Academy Awards merely serves to obfuscate. Spanish spoken films tend to fall into the category of foreign films but a cursory investigation will reveal several nominations of Hispanic actors in recent times.

In short, I believe the writer is not the first journalist/pundit to use director Spike Lee as the wedge to open up and explore racial attitudes. In this article, it is very clear from which angle the writer is coming from and I have come to expect better from the Gulf News.

Please remind the writer that in the UAE, racial prejudice is illegal.

From Mr Garth Williams


The writer does make valid points, as does our Senior Associate Editor. The article was meant to provoke thought and debate. Just as our writer has reached his conclusion, so too has the letter writer. It’s a subjective topic, and we appreciate the feedback.

Gulf News

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