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Hiroshima prays for peace

In 2017, while on holiday in Japan, I visited (Hiroshima prays for peace, fears new arms race on atomic bombing anniversary”, Gulf News, August 6, 2022) the A-Bomb tomb, the epic centre where the bomb was dropped, is now a hospital for survivors. The site was unimaginable. What I had only read about and seen on television was in front of me. I felt emotional and a sense of fear and numbness overtook. My guide was a native of this place. Her father, who was also a survivor of the catastrophe, had explained the ordeal to her. On August 6, 1945, the Ebola Gay bomber dropped “Little Boy” in Hiroshima, Japan, killing more than 140,000 innocent people and permanently injuring thousands of people. If the a-bomb of 1945 could cause such destruction, one can only imagine what the latest weapons of mass destruction are capable of doing. A few years back, around 159 countries had assembled and signed a nonproliferation treaty to eliminate the threat of weapons of mass destruction, and it should be implemented in a phased manner. The need of the hour is total disarmament of all weapons. Any world war will destroy the entire human race and this beautiful world will be wiped out. We need a peaceful world - one where people live happily together.

From Mr Eappen Elias


Are women appreciated for what they do?

Today, women are employed in all sectors across the world. The rise in women’s employment is a remarkable change. But, are women valued for what they do? I am from southern India, and I wonder – Is it only in India that many girls are controlled by either their parents or their spouse? However, I am glad that nowadays, many parents are becoming more open-minded, letting their girl children take their own decisions. When it comes to working after marriage, you might have heard people asking girls if they are going to continue working after marriage.

First, take a moment to consider whether you would ask a man the same question. There was a time when men were the only ones who went out to earn money. Now, in many families, both men and women contribute to the household income. Often, it’s the women who make more sacrifices in the family, but get less noticed. If the spouse’s family does not agree to let her work, then there is pressure on her to take up either family or career. Another critical phase of a woman’s life is motherhood. A little human being needs you 24x7. During this phase, many women quit their jobs unless they have strong support at home.

Another sad truth is that some people value a working woman depending on her earnings. If she earns more, they treat her well. So even though we talk about equality and women empowerment, the question remains – Are women appreciated for what they do?

From Ms Sana Fathima


Tennis: Serena Williams to retire

It is a real surprise that one of the world’s best women tennis players, Serena Williams, is ready to step away from tennis after winning 23 Grand Slam titles (“Serena Williams says she is ‘evolving away’ from game with retirement talk”, Gulf News, August 9, 2022). It is good that she focuses on having another child and looking after her business interest. At the same time, it is heartening to know that she is playing the Toronto Hard Court tournament ahead of the US Open, where she will be trying to equal Margaret Court’s record of 24 Grand Slam titles. If she is fortunate enough to win the US Open, then I am confident she will have another go at the Australian Open in 2023 to rewrite history. Due to her bad luck, she had to bite the dust in the six to seven Grand Slam finals she contested in, during the past two years. We wish her the best during the US Open and possibly the Australian Open in 2023.

From Ms Kavitha Srikanth


Beauty of friendship

A friend is someone who knows all your scars and still finds you beautiful. Someone who makes a random check on you to make sure that you are alright. Someone who stays back till the end to ensure you are safe and secure. There is no greater comfort than knowing that this person will be beside you to share the happiness, sadness, and everything in between. They encourage your dreams and celebrate your wins without an ounce of jealousy, and wish only the best for you and you for them. So when you find such people, never let them go. Always hold on to them, nourish your friendship with all your love, and watch it grow.

From Ms Tejal Shah


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