Ask the Law
Testimony, estate, right to divorce, joint custody - four matters covered in Article 5 of the new law. Picture used for illustrative purposes only. Image Credit: Ask the Law

Dubai: With the UAE issuing a new personal status law for non-Muslims, there are various aspects of the lives of non-Muslim residents in the UAE – like marriage, divorce, child custody and inheritance – which would be covered under the new legislation.

Article 4 of the law – Federal Decree Law No. 41 of 2022 – is titled ‘Equality between men and women in rights and obligations’, and covers four specific situations within civil law.

Here is a look at what the Article states:

In application of the provisions of this Decree-Law, equality of men and women in and obligations shall be observed. This specifically applies to the following matters:

1. Testimony: Equality in testimony in court; the testimony of a woman in court shall be equal to the testimony of a man, without difference.

2. Estate: Equality between man and woman in estate distribution according to provisions of this Decree-Law.

3. Right to Divorce: Both the husband and wife have right to ask for divorce from court upon his or her own will, without prejudice to their respective rights relating to divorce.

4. Joint custody: Woman and man shall have equal joint right of custody of the child until he reaches 18 years of age, whereupon the child has the freedom of choice.