Image Credit: Stefan Lindeque

What’s most effective for weight loss — a low-fat or a low-carb diet?

The answer is always low-carb. But for how long and at what cost? Most of the time these methods offer short-term gains. In a clinical practice what matters is what is good for an individual, considering the build, metabolic issues and long-term commitment.

There are studies that have shown that the average weight loss for each group only differed by about two pounds, when people on low-fat and low carb diets were compared. Interestingly, neither of these groups had an advantage when it came to the metabolism rate and fat loss versus lean muscle.

Metabolic risk factors are important determinants of cardiovascular disease and mortality, hence I will recommend a diet with long-term goals in mind. Improving the risks related to obesity and cardiovascular disease among the general population are achieved only by dieting for the long term.

We consider the quality of liver functions, gall bladder and kidney before prescribing a low-carb diet. However, our practice of diet prescriptions are built more on cleansing goals in the short term and a balanced meal plan for the sustainable effect. Again, this is person specific (constitutional traits, need and acquaintance), and taking advise from your practitioner is highly recommended.

www.thehealersclinic.com, 04 385 5677