Aries (March 20 – April 18)

Only days ago others were as excited as you about new ideas or offers. Now their mood hasn’t just cooled, you’re both surprised and worried by this change in attitude. They’re still interested. However, they’re not in what might be termed analysis mode, that is, focusing on the facts and facts alone.

Taurus (April 19 – May 19)

As much as you dislike watching those who’re dear to you face misunderstandings or unfair situations, there’s only so much you can do. Until you’ve heard both sides of the story, it would be unwise to give them advice. Instead letting them know you care and will always be there for them is plenty.

Gemini (May 20 – June 20)

Tedious as the recent painstaking examination of certain arrangements may have been, it was worth it. You’ve since dealt with the flaws you discovered and, better yet, are exploring the intriguing options that arose. But don’t stop now. You’ve lots more still to encounter, as further exploration will soon make clear.

Cancer (June 21 – July 21)

There’s a fine line between being sympathetic about the dilemmas others are struggling with and allowing their problems to take over your life. Listen to reports of the latest developments and give advice if you feel you must. Then firmly but diplomatically withdraw and leave them to deal with their issues themselves.

Leo (July 22 – August 21)

It’s not that you’re narrow-minded. Rather, you’ve explored certain ideas in the past and weren’t excited by them. But times have changed and so have the circumstances in question, enough that what you learned in the past is no longer accurate. Do a little investigation and you’ll discover how true this is.

Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

On occasion you make the mistake of assuming that those around you are as conscientious about their obligations as you are about yours. Unless they’re Virgo, this is by no means the case. On the contrary, from their perspective, they’re actually being conscientious. But the word means something entirely different to them.

Libra (September 22 – October 22)

The encounter between your ruler Venus and the sternly practical Saturn could be interpreted two ways. One focuses on a precise review of how you organise your life, money and even your time. The other involves a similar review, but of close alliances, personal and professional. Both will be challenging but, ultimately, amazingly rewarding.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Your powerful intuition not only makes you aware of the tides of feelings that influence those individuals to whom you’re closest, you’re also remarkably tuned into the ups and downs of the lunar cycle. The latter peaks with Thursday’s Full Moon, which heightens others’ feelings but also powerfully influences your own.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 20)

Being hard on someone who’s already struggling isn’t just out of character, you’d been in the same situation, so understand. Except in this case the individual in question is over-dramatising their problems. It’s not that bad. They’re just too lazy to deal with issues themselves and are hoping somebody will rescue them.

Capricorn (December 21 – January 18)

Everybody has kept important facts under wraps, knowing that there would be the right time and place to mention them. Think carefully about what you say and, more importantly, what you don’t. Far more of that information is generally known than you realise. Holding back could make certain individuals suspicious.

Aquarius (January 19 – February 17)

Ordinarily you could discuss things once and be done with it. But between the swift pace of events and your own swiftly changing perspective on the matters in question, frequent reviews are essential. Thus far, they’ve revealed minor but pivotal misunderstandings. There are more to come, but these will be crucial.

Pisces (February 18 – March 19)

A good idea is always worth discussing, even if it ruffles a few feathers. The fact is, the matter in question has long been a source of concern for you and others. It’s just nobody has come up with a solution. Although what’s being explored isn’t perfect, at least it’s got everybody talking.