

The link between Venus, which signifies both close relationships, personal and professional, and also your resources, and the practical Saturn, on your birthday, accents giving what, and who, you invest time in serious thought. Initially, this may seem uncaring if not cynical. But in examining whether these situations are in balance, or not, you’ll spot what can be done to put things right. What you learn from asking this question will be informative now, and add greatly to your life wisdom.

Aries March 20 – April 19

Offers are intriguing but they’re also somewhat worrying. They’d take you into territory that is so unfamiliar that you worry you’d feel out of control. Actually, that’s the point. Certain areas of your life have become too predictable. Every Aries needs the excitement that comes with the unknown, and that includes you.

Taurus April 20 – May 20

As an earth sign, you have a powerful and often helpful practical streak. Yet recent ideas or offers are so appealing you’re tempted to ignore certain questions and take things to the next stage. Don’t. If ever there was a time to raise concerns and, equally, say exactly what you want, it’s now.

Gemini May 21 – June 20

Discussing ways to deal with persistent obstacles is one thing, but actually taking the advice others are offering is another matter. While you’re usually open to new ideas, you’re being surprisingly stubborn. The real problem is you don’t fully understand their suggestions. Ask them to clarify what they’ve said. That will change everything.

Cancer June 21 – July 21

True, confronting others about their questionable behaviour or worrying decisions won’t be easy. However, the conclusions you’ve made about the thinking behind their actions or their objectives may be wrong. But, you won’t know that until you talk things over. Raise your concerns now, while you can discuss issues openly. Dr talk things over?

Leo July 22 – August 22

As a fire sign, you dislike wasting time on endless discussions when you could make decisions then turn those into action. Currently, however, you’re wrestling with an uncharacteristic and worrying variety of indecisiveness. Intriguingly, events now are forcing your hand. Be bold. You’ll only regret what you didn’t do, not what you did.

Virgo August 23 – September 22

Even the sound of the phrase ‘good fortune’ is appealing, it lifts your spirits and brings a smile to your face. Yet, at the moment, the form those welcome developments take is unlikely to reflect what you expected. It could even be disruptive. Still, that’s small price to pay for the stunning outcome.

Libra September 23 – October 22

It may seem you’re under pressure to make decisions. However, with things as unsettled as they are, even seemingly straightforward arrangements really should be regarded as more of an experiment than anything of a lasting nature. Take that approach and, instead of worrying, you’ll focus on exploring your options.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21

The time has come to be frank about your feelings, and in several situations. Some involve doubts or concerns. Discuss these openly but diplomatically. Others will thank you. But, equally, you’re keeping your feeling of affection for certain individuals to yourself. Voice these. It will mean a lot to them.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 20

Despite the amazing way in which even unsettling changes have been falling into place, you could be feeling uneasy or even somewhat emotional. This probably has more to do with the influence of Tuesday’s emotionally intense Sagittarius Full Moon than the actual events, and will fade soon after it takes place.

Capricorn December 21 – January 19

Tempting as it is to turn recent events into a plan, you’d only be complicating matters. The powerful planetary activity of the past week or so will take time to settle down. In the meanwhile, both consider what changes need to be made and, as much, what and who you want to put first as the future unfolds.

Aquarius January 20 – February 17

The time has come to rethink your priorities. What came first only recently isn’t nearly as important as it once was, while other pursuits, goals and individuals are increasingly significant. This isn’t just a temporary phenomenon, with questions that will pass swiftly. You’re conducting a timely and far reaching review of your life.

Pisces February 18 – March 19

As a Piscean, you’ve a remarkable ability to show interest in an idea or offer without actually making a commitment. This will be handy during this period of growth and opportunity combined with frequent change. The more flexible your arrangements are, the better advantage you’ll be able to take of those changes.