The second aspect of sharpening the buddhi or intellect is to grow the intuition. Intuition is the internal voice which can foretell one to skip a flight, only to find out later that the particular fight went missing or crashed. Many such incidents have been recorded throughout history. Yoga teaches one to grow the intuitive ability.


Modern science and intuition

Psychology has defined intuition as a process that gives one the ability to know something directly without analytical reasoning, bridging the gap between the conscious and subconscious parts of the mind, and also between instinct and reason. A gut feeling — or a hunch — is a sensation that appears quickly in consciousness (noticeable enough to be acted on if one chooses to) without being fully aware of the underlying reasons for its occurrence.

Kinaesthetic sense and intuition are nearly close. Bodily kinaesthetic intelligence is the capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills. This intelligence also involves a sense of timing and the perfection of skills through mind-body coordination. Athletes exhibit great intuitive ability as they may have developed kinaesthetic sense to that level.

No one understands the human mind fully yet. Anatomy doesn’t explain some centres of the brain as they are yet to be explored. However, scientists have been able to discover that humans have two systems at work. System one is quick, intuitive and often subconscious way of operating. It is controlled by the right side of the brain and the limbic and reptilian parts of the brain. System two is the slower, more analytical and conscious way of operating. It is controlled by the left side of the brain and by newer parts that — unlike limbic and reptilian – have only developed since prehistoric times and are known as the neocortex. With simple experiments, researchers have found that System one often knows the right answer long before System two does as bodily intuition guides people.


Technique to sharpen intuition

I practised a technique for years with my master to develop the intuitive ability. It takes 10-12 years to master intuitive ability. Our yogic science may be slow but it is definitely progressive.

Take 12 different coloured ribbons cut an inch longer than the palm. Lay out the ribbons on a table and blindfold yourself. Start sensing the colours.

It is not possible to pick different coloured ribbons by sense of touch or smell as the fabric is the same for all. So begin by trusting the bodily intuition. Experiment for a year or two, increasing your observation ability (discussed in Harness the mental energy – Part 2). Slowly but steadily you will begin to see results.

Don’t dilute the technique by using the theory of probability which science would recommend for such an experiment. Keep in mind, the science of yoga is about exploration. An intense session of asana (posture) or pranayama (breath regulation) just before the technique will help open up the body and mind, preparing you to work better on this technique. Some useful postures are listed below.





Next week: Harness the mental energy – Part 4


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